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Dr. Orfanoudaki Irene MD PhD - Your first visit to my office

My dear friends,

the gynecologist is the woman 's ally .


She is the doctor who addresses every woman for any problem that concerns her.

So when you make your first visit to my office, it is good to take care of the following:

  • take a shower with water and mild soap, avoiding special creams,

  • to wear comfortable and convenient clothes,

  • have not had sexual intercourse, use of tampons and vaginal shower two days before,

  • make sure that your visit will be in the middle of your menstrual cycle (10-15th) day, 

  • know the date of your last period, 

  • and finally have your AMKA written on a piece of paper.


It would also be good to think in advance and write on a piece of paper the list of your questions that you want me to answer.


I emphasize to you that the regular gynecological examination aims to identify possible problems in the health of women at an early stage, when the measures to deal with them will be more gentle and effective.  


In general, the first visit to the gynecologist is good to be made between the ages of 13 and 15 years. 

Many times the girls who visit the gynecologist for the first time, come with their mother just to talk about the course of their adolescence so far and to consult if everything goes smoothly. 

Other times the girls visit the gynecologist because they have problems such as a strong white-yellow vaginal discharge, menstrual cramps, itching, or stinging in the vagina.


Here I remind you that you should feel comfortable with me and explain to me everything that concerns you.

For this reason, during your first visit, most of the time will be devoted to our discussion. 

I will carefully note a complete history of the illnesses that occupied you and your family, we will talk about individual hygiene habits, we will talk about the beginning of your period, its duration and any disorders, changes in your body weight gain, sexually transmitted diseases, HPV vaccines and cervical cancer.


At the same time, I will inform you about your future visits, when these need to be done and what will be the examinations that will be performed in the context of your regular gynecological examination.

The Medicine for Woman acquires new dimension to my clinic!

A Medicine without fear and much care, based on the latest medical applications ! 

I invite you with love for a Doctor-Patient relationship in a foundation of honesty and care !


ΟΡΦΑΝΟΥΔΑΚΗ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ MD, PhD  Μαιευτήρας Χειρουργός �Γυναικολόγος
Γυναικολογικό Ιατρείο 
Μαιευτήρας Χειρουργός Γυναικολόγος
Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης της Μαιευτικής - Γυναικολογικής κλινικής "Μητέρα" Ηρακλείου Κρήτης - Euromedica 

Clinic Hours:

By appointment

Mo, Tue, Thu from 09:00 to 14:00 & from 17:00 to 20:00 

We, Fri from 09:00 to 17:00

2810 343376 ( tel. & fax ) -  6945 268822 

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Gynecology Clinic: Archiepiskopou str. 22 & Skouladon str. HERAKLION, Crete

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